Thank You to all of our Wonderful Volunteers!
We processed over 2,000 pairs of shoes at our Shoe Processing event last weekend. The shoes will be given to the homeless and those in need, free of charge, in the greater Los Angeles area!
We had students from the UCLA Dental School and representatives from the USC Street Medicine program volunteering. It was great to see them cheering each other on! We had volunteers who have participated regularly for the past 10 years, and we always have new volunteers. We would love to have you join us next time! All are welcome, adults and children. It is a wonderful community event!
shoesforthehomeless, #nycshoedrive, #helpthoseinneednyc, #getinvolved, #homelessness, #nonprofit, #givebacktothecommunity, #volunteer #causes, #donatenyc, #nonprofit, #charity, #newyorkcitypetstores,#philanthropy, #socialgood, #homeless, #newyorkcityhomeless, #newyorkcityshoedrive, #newyorkcitycatlovers,