Shoe Processing on July 17th!
Help the homeless, one step at a time! We are looking for volunteers to help us process shoes for one hour at our upcoming shoe processing event. It will be held on Sunday, July 17, from 2-3 PM. The location is West LA College (Lot 7). West LA college is located at 9000 Overland Ave, Culver City, CA 90230. Directions: Enter West LA College from Overland Avenue at Freshman Drive. Go a short distance and make a right at the first stop sign, which is Albert Vera Drive. Go past “Plant Services” and make a right into Parking Lot 7. We will meet at our two large blue containers. A link to the map of West LA College is:
Bring Shoes: If you can, bring lightly used men's, women's and/or children's shoes! Our goal is 65,000 this year!
Shoe processing is where we sort shoes, put a rubber band around each pair, put them in groups and then place them in bags. Family and friends are welcome.
Release Form: Please click here for our "release form" and bring it to the event. Community service hours offered to students. Please email us if you have any questions at
shoesforthehomeless, #nycshoedrive, #helpthoseinneednyc, #getinvolved, #homelessness, #nonprofit, #givebacktothecommunity, #volunteer #causes, #donatenyc, #nonprofit, #charity, #newyorkcitypetstores,#philanthropy, #socialgood, #homeless, #newyorkcityhomeless, #newyorkcityshoedrive, #newyorkcitycatlovers,