ServiceTitan Serves the Homeless!

ServiceTitan, a business management software company, just completed its first shoe drive for the homeless. Shoes for the Homeless directed the shoes to the Glendale YWCA and the Ascencia Homeless Shelter. Shoes at these organizations were in very short supply and were much needed. Services include an emergency shelter for women and kids, a domestic violence service center and education and outreach.
You too can do your part to help the homeless. We encourage other companies to also host a shoe drive. It is as simple as placing a box in your reception area and notifying your employees about the effort to help the homeless! Please contact Sabrina at
Thank you to the ServiceTitan team and to Jon Diamond for organizing this effort.
#ServiceTitan, #shoesforthehomeless, #nycshoedrive, #helpthoseinneednyc, #getinvolved, #homelessness, #nonprofit, #givebacktothecommunity, #volunteer #causes, #donatenyc, #nonprofit, #charity, #newyorkcitypetstores,#philanthropy, #socialgood, #homeless, #newyorkcityhomeless, #newyorkcityshoedrive, #newyorkcitycatlovers,