Down on his luck, but the future looks bright!

Sean is a 28 year old homeless gentleman who called Shoes for the Homeless, Inc. saying that he was in great need of size 13 shoes. He relayed to us that his shoes were recently stolen and that all he had to wear was a pair of flimsy flip flops.
He told us that flip flops do not protect the feet from the cold and are not at all. We provided him with a new pair of Nike Boots and plenty of warm socks.
Sean was born in Raleigh, North Carolina and then moved to New Jersey for a job.He unfortunately lost his job and then moved to California.He then spent 6-7 months living on various beaches and parks in the Los Angeles area.He currently lives in a homeless shelter in the downtown area of Los Angeles.
He told us that having a good pair of shoes is so important when you are homeless. Without shoes my feet get really dirty and begin to hurt.He also said that many stores have signs that say “No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service.”Not having shoes greatly limits a person from going into stores.”
Sean is looking forward to interviewing, getting a new job and being able to become self-sufficient again.Having a good pair of shoes helps make a good first impression when interviewing.
Sean told us that he is so happy to now have a good pair of shoes.He says that his feet feel great and he is feeling hopeful for the future.
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